Bowland Haytime Rescue

Description of activity: 

The National Landscape worked jointly with Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust to develop a bid to Lancashire Environmental Fund called Bowland Haytime Rescue, which continues the hay meadow restoration work established back in 2012.  This project focuses on collecting seed and propagating late-flowering species by volunteers to be planted out at selected meadows, alongside continuation field-scale hay meadow restoration.  A new project officer, Carol Edmondson, was recruited by YDMT (working in the National Landscape office) to deliver the project over 14 months to October 2019.

By April 2019 seed of 5 scarce hay meadow species were collected and propagated, with seed added to the collection at Kew Millennium seed bank, Wakehurst, and further plug plants being produced by Kew from seed collected in Bowland. These plug plants will be planted in appropriate hay meadows and roadside verges for enhancement

Expected outcomes of activity: 

Scarce Bowland hay meadow floral species, not usually transferred using green hay or seed addition will be added to haymeadows and other historic grassland locations for these species.

Activity date: 
1st November 2018
Other Partners: 
Millennium Seed Bank, Kew Gardens.