Access for All Outdoor Conference


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A Celebration of What is Possible

Access for All at Gisburn Forest

The Forest of Bowland National Landscape and Access the Dales are delighted to be hosting a two-day celebration of inclusivity in the countryside.

"Access for All: A Celebration of What's Possible," will be held on the 25th and 26th of June at Gisburn Forest – a Forestry England site in the Forest of Bowland.

This exciting event is free to attend and promises a range of engaging activities for all participants. 

For those interested in overnight accommodations, we can offer several options at a nominal cost. Please refer to the accommodation details provided below.

The event will feature two distinct networking opportunities: Business to Business on the first day and Business to Public on the second day.

Both days are aimed at organisations, businesses and individuals delivering Access for All opportunities, wishing to share best practice and engage in networking sessions. 

All-terrain wheelchair providers will be available to speak to on both days and will be bringing a range of vehicles for you to try, including: TGA, TerrainHopper, Tramper, Mountain Trike and Paratreker.

There will also be a variety of exhibitors to meet during the event.

Day One - 25th June 

Most sessions (weather dependent) will be delivered outdoors in the beautiful woodland setting at Gisburn Forest and will include the following discussion topics:

Terrain Hopper at Wood End Farm

  • Tourism & Accessibility
  • Autism and the Outdoors
  • Dementia Adventure
  • Inclusivity in the Outdoors - an All Terrain Wheelchair walk & talk
  • Mental Health & the Outdoors
  • British Sign Language

Evening festivities will include casual conversations, music and a campfire. A guided evening bat walk will be available for those interested in exploring the forest after dark.

Day Two - 26th JuneAccess for All walk at Gisburn Forest & Stocks

We will be extending opportunities for the public to join the fantastic outdoor activities on offer on Day 2, which will include:

  • Forest bathing
  • Charcoal sketching
  • Bushcraft
  • Story time movement (for all ages)
  • Wildlife wander
  • Nature connection with sound
  • Alpaca experience
  • Foraging & wellbeing wander
  • Navigation workshop

We are thrilled to provide a platform for meaningful connections and shared experiences in a welcoming and inclusive environment.


Please note the programme and activities at this stage are provisional, but we are hopeful to deliver the sessions and activities mentioned above.

Accommodation Options for evening of 25th June:

  • Bed & breakfast in Stephen Park (group accommodation on-site) - single occupancy @£30pp - NOW FULLY BOOKED
  • Bed & breakfast in Stephen Park (group accommodation on-site) - shared occupancy @£20pp  - NOW FULLY BOOKED
  • Camping (please note there are no facilities, apart from toilets - please provide your own tent and equipment) @£20pp
  • Camper Van (please note there are no facilities, apart from toilets) @£25pp
  • Other local accommodation options available on request please email: 

We are delighted to offer complimentary lunch upon arrival on the 25th  as well as free refreshments throughout the 2-day event provided by Gisburn Forest Cafe.

The event is free and is being made possible via DEFRA Accessibility Funding.  We just ask for payment for the following:

- Accommodation if you have requested it
- Meal on the evening of the evening of 25th (details to follow) and a packed lunch is available to purchase on 26th (please order on your booking form)
- Car parking charges at the Gisburn Forest Forestry England site

Booking Terms & Conditions

See the short site overview film below to help you prepare for your visit:

We look forward to celebrating with you and embracing the spirit of inclusion in our beautiful countryside.

Proud to be working in partnership with:

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