Nature Recovery Plan Consultation

Curlew by Deborah Woods

Update 06.10.23
Work has progressed on the Forest of Bowland National Landscape Nature Recovery Plan. The consultation draft plan was available for public comment via the National Landscape website for a period of six weeks during July and August 2023 and is now closed.

The plan was downloaded by 172 people during this time. Comments were received from 16 organisations and individuals via an online form and via email. The comments are being reviewed and will inform the final revision of the plan. It is anticipated that the Plan will be finalised by December 2023. 

Background information to the plan

Over the last year the Forest of Bowland National Landscape team have been talking to farmers, landowners and land managers, along with a range of other environmental organisations and recreational user groups to help develop a 'Nature Recovery Plan' for the area. 

Although the Forest of Bowland still hosts some amazing nature and wildlife, like the rest of the UK, the area is also experiencing a general decline in biodiversity. The Nature Recovery Plan seeks to set out ways to reverse these declines. The plan sets out a vision for a landscape richer in nature and some of the actions that could deliver this vision.

We'd really value your views on the following DRAFT PLAN.  We'd like to know if it fits with your ideas for a more nature-rich National Landscape, if it is focussing on the most important nature, and what, if anything, you think you might be able to do to support more nature in our landscape.

Closing date for the consultation is Friday 1st September.

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